Birthmark Ministries believes that everyone has a gift worth giving. We know that true power comes when we share our gifts with each other.

Each of our trips is unique! Rather we are getting our hands dirty or preaching the Kingdom; we look to identify and amplify the gifts of both our group members and those we visit.

"Even the flies fell under the anointing!"

-Leslie Isla (Translator)

  • Solar Project 2024


    We love to think creatively to help God’s Kingdom grow! We want to help pastors and missionaries around the world with technology that suits their needs. From cell phones to computers to solar panels; Birthmark strives to assist the Church in innovative ways.

    $100 buys a cell phone for a missions pastor in Cuba

  • Integrity!

    We believe that the laying on of hands is just as sacred as the work of our hands.

    1 John 3:17 says: “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?”

    This is the heart of our Cuba medical supplies program.