Birthmark Ministries

Our mission is to promote intimacy with God through prayer and biblical meditation, impart Biblical wisdom and spiritual gifts through discipleship and training, and to serve the world through innovative local and global missions with integrity.

Core Values:

1)  Intimacy:

God created humanity for intimacy. His passion is to draw us to Him in intimate relationships not only with Him but through others. Vulnerability and connection draw us to common unity with our Father and His family. 

a.     Connection - Prayer connects us to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This helps us to connect with a fallen world full of need! Birthmark seeks to build relational connection with God, and between neighbors through hospitality within the boiler room, by encouraging Anchor Groups and teaching Biblical meditation.

b.     Community - When brothers and sisters come to common unity it is sweet to the Lord. We value the unique attributes of God's people the world over. Birthmark seeks to build unity within community dedicated to prayer, praise and biblical teaching.

2)  Innovation:

God is the Creator the innovator of all things. Jesus is the creative author and innovative perfector of our faith.

a.     Creativity - The Rhema word of God has the power to create great things. We look to speak what God speaks and do what we see the father doing. When we do this faithfully, we participate in God's creative process! Prophetic communication comes by training the creative soul to see, call forth, and create God’s expressed desire. Birthmark hopes to restore creativity and prophetic communication between God and those he pursues.

b.     Compassion - Many of Jesus' miracles proceeded from His compassion for God's people. Jesus’ compassion led him to work innovative and miraculous solutions to the troubles of God’s people. Birthmark hopes to reach those in need with God’s love through Spirit lead acts of compassion and missional service.

3)  Impartation:

God's grace is imparted to His church through those called to equip His saints. We hope to identify, impart, and empower gifts in all believers through prayer and partnership. Mission built on a vision of God’s Heart begins when God imparts His calling on our lives.

a.     Cultivation - Our calling begins with a seed of faith! Seeds grow best when we cultivate the place they are planted. Birthmark seeks to cultivate a “thin place” where prayer, presence, and practice lead to faith, knowledge, and wisdom.

b.     Commission - Our God is on a mission to renew all things and restore them to His Kingdom! God invites us to take part in His mission. Birthmark seeks to participate in Jesus’ mission to renew all things.

4)  Integrity:

God desires that we become holy as He is holy. This means integrating God’s gifts with our character. Birthmark strives to let our yes be yes and to allow the Holy Spirit to develop our fruits along with our gifts.